I'd wonder how the fight started in the first place.
*** w60 8/1 pp. 451-452 Do You Turn the Other Cheek? ***
Jesus said: “Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.” (Matt. 5:39) Now, Jesus did not say that if someone strikes you on the jaw you should get up off the floor and hold up the other side of your face for a target. No; how foolish and ridiculous that would be! A slap is not intended to injure physically but only to insult or provoke into a fight. What Jesus was saying was that, if anyone tried to provoke you into a fight or an argument, by either literally slapping you with an open hand or stinging you with insulting words, it would be wrong for you to retaliate. “Return evil for evil to no one. . . . Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” Peter said that Christians would not be “paying back injury for injury or reviling for reviling, but, to the contrary, bestowing a blessing, because you were called to this course, so that you might inherit a blessing.”—Rom. 12:17, 21; 1 Pet. 3:9.